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Turība University, located in the vibrant and culturally rich city of Riga, Latvia, is a renowned educational institution committed to excellence in education and research. Established in 1993, Turība University has since evolved into a hub for knowledge and innovation, serving as a Launchpad for ambitious students to pursue their dreams and shape their futures. The university offer a diverse range of programs, international collaborations, and a welcoming community that thrives on intellectual curiosity, diversity, and creativity.


Bachelor Degrees

Business Administration
Business Logistics Management
Computer Systems
International Communication Management
International Finance Management
Tourism and Hospitality Management

Master Degrees

Master Degrees
Business Psychology and Human Resource Management
Tourism Strategic Management
Business Administration
Communication Management
Law Science
Management Science

Academic Excellence

Commitment to academic excellence is unwavering. The University boast a faculty of dedicated professors and industry experts who impart knowledge, cultivate critical thinking, and prepare students for successful careers in a globalized world.

Global Perspective

Turība University takes pride in its international outlook which encourages students to embrace the world and its myriad of cultures, fostering a global perspective that is essential in today's interconnected world.

Cutting-Edge Programs

Diverse range of programs spans various disciplines, including Business Administration, Law, International Tourism, Communication and more

Practical Experience

Practical experience is at the heart of the university curriculum. Our students engage in internships, hands-on projects, and real-world experiences, enabling them to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Student-Centered Approach

At Turība University, you are not just a number. We take a student-centered approach, offering support, mentorship, and personalized guidance to help you succeed academically and personally.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

The campus is equipped with modern facilities, libraries, laboratories, and technology, providing an ideal environment for learning, research, and innovation.

International Opportunities

The university commitment to global exposure extends to study abroad programs, international exchange partnerships, and opportunities for students to connect with peers from all over the world. This enriching experience broadens horizons and fosters global citizenship.

Campus Life

Life at Turība University is not limited to classrooms and libraries. We offer a vibrant campus life, with student organizations, cultural events, sports, and extracurricular activities that provide a well-rounded college experience.


INTAKE : February / September
MEDIUM : English
IELTS : 5.5 (No IELTS needed for previous education in English medium)
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS : Valid Passport Birth Certificate O/L, A/L Educational Certificates Full Medical Report Passport size photographs
ENTRY REQUIREMENT : Minimum 3 Simple Passes in A/L

There is a spacious student hostel on the campus of Turība University, which offers both permanent and short-term accommodation. The hostel has well-equipped shared shower rooms and toilets, with two kitchens on each floor of the hostel. Students have access to a classroom, TV room, computer room and free Wi-Fi, as well as a self-service laundry, a hair salon and other services important for students.
The number of beds in standard room ranges from two to four. Depending on the occupancy of the student hostel, it is possible to rent a four-bed room as a triple, double or single according to the pricing.